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The Benefits of Massage Cupping, Fascia Release and Dry Cupping

Sooo.... What is "Cupping"?

Cupping is a technique where a vacuum is created in a cup, drawing the skin and subcutaneous superficial fascia up into the cup.

Cupping is believed to date back to as early as 3000 B.C.E., most associate cupping with Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the use of cupping was not limited to ancient China, cupping was also utilized in ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and used by Anglo-Saxons (Rubin 1974).

It is often accompanied by acupuncture needles for better results.  Here is a link to a video that will give you more insight on Acupuncture Cupping.

Different Types of Cupping

There are several types of cupping and many different cups used in the application of cupping.

  • Dry Cupping
  • Fire cupping
  • Wet Cupping
  • Magnetic Cupping

On this website I will be specifically addressing Massage Cupping, Fascia Release and Dry Cupping as it pertains to massage therapy.  As a Massage Therapist, I use 2 different types of cups to perform Dry Cupping. I utilize Plastic Cups with a pump action for a more static & stronger result (better suited for people who have had cupping before) and Silicone Cups for gliding purposes (which is a better introductory to those that have not had any/much cupping done).

What's the difference between Acupuncture Cupping vs Massage Cupping?

Speaking from my own personal experience in receiving Acupuncture… Acupuncturists have a different scope of practice when it comes to Cupping. They are generally educated on the Meridian lines of energy, herbs, how to use fire/alcohol in the application of cupping and their education can be anywhere from 2-4 years of schooling followed with licensure.

Generally, traditional Acupuncturists use glass cups with the use of fire and herbs to remove the air from a cup before applying it to specific areas of the body that coordinate with Meridian points. Once the Acupuncturist applies the cups, they are generally static and don’t get moved around. The intention is going after a different overall health result.

Massage Cupping can be learned in a continuing education class that may take 2-4 days. This may not seam like a lot of time learning about cupping, but keep in mind that most Massage Therapists (MT’s) have a 1-2 year education as a foundation before pursuing more Continuing Education Classes (CEU’s) such as Cupping, Oncology Massage or Aromatherapy to name a few.

In general, Cupping for massage therapists addresses their clients needs for musculature facilitation, fascia release and overall circulation. A massage therapist will use cups to help release fascia so that they can perform a deeper massage without as much physical effort on their behalf.

When using silicone cups, I can apply and leave them, or glide them across the body to help relieve tension, tightness or pressure, before hands on application of massage. No fire, liquids or herbs are used when practicing Massage Cupping.

Why does it leave "bruise marks"?

They are not bruises…. they are discolorations. The marks you see from cupping are not technically bruises!  Any practitioner that calls the marks “Bruises”, is clearly not educated in what these discolorations are and in turn falsely educating their client. 

Bruises indicate an “impact” or “trauma” to the body. For example, a surgical incision can leave bruising, falling on your knees or bum can leave a bruise, sudden impact from an external object can leave a bruise and sometimes a hematoma. Based on the above information, Cupping does not bruise. The discolorations (as there can be varying colors depending on whats going on in your body) indicate a few different things; lack of blood flow, major stagnation in the cupped area, it could indicate a lack of hydration or good nutrition and could bring up an old memory of an injury.  They are not bruises, however they can last anywhere from 2-7 days depending on the individual. Here is a video link that shares in more depth what the discolorations are:

Always be sure to drink a lot of water before and after a Massage & Cupping session.

Mobile 1 Massage offers cupping as part of your regular session.
In other words, its complimentary with no extra charges! 
Just ask for “cupping” when you book your massage.

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